Polymicrogyria (PMG) can cause a wide spectrum of seizure types, with some children having milder seizures than others. Because of where PMG is commonly located (in the perirolandic and perisylvian regions of the brain), deformed brain tissue may be in areas responsible for important functions such as speech and language.

In some cases, PMG may be bilateral (on both sides of the brain). It is important to note here that magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may indicate PMG on only one side of the brain even though it is bilateral. Evidence of bilateral PMG may not appear for years on MRI.

For more information:

PMG Awareness Association: The PMG Awareness Organization is an international non-profit organization of families, caregivers, and medical professionals who care about those with polymicrogyria. The organizaiton’s mission is to promote awareness, diagnosis, and the treatment of polymicrogyria through education, research, advocacy, and support for individuals with polymicrogyria, their families, and other concerned parties.

The PMG Awareness Association maintains a closed Facebook page here where families can connect.