Special education

Visual Schedules/Task Analysis 

  • ChoiceWorks App: ($9.99) Upload your own pictures or use the ones in their library to make visual schedules or a task analysis (steps to complete one task). Here is an example of a sample morning schedule. The play button reads the schedule to the child, or they can tap each picture to hear what it is. 
  • Wait For It ($1.99) : Visual Timer with picture supports. It’s from the company that makes PECS. 
  • TaskAnalysis (free): A free app that allows you to break down a task into manageable steps to encourage independence in completing tasks. You can add text, picture or even video to help model and prompt along the way. 
  • Children’s countdown (free): A fun visual timer you can pull up on your phone or iPad to help your child transition between tasks. 
  • A Day in Our Shoes lists 10 Free Visual Timers.


This is a scary thing for many parents, so in addition to any math packets sent home, consider math card games or real-life math practice (recipes use fractions, budgeting for shopping items, etc.) or accessing a good math website:


Standards may fall by the wayside for a while, and that’s okay. Any form of reading is good! Search for articles on subjects your children are interested in and ask them to read and tell you about what they learned, or read with your child and ask them questions. Audiobooks are also great. 

Many companies have made their resources available for free for parents and teachers:

Audiobook/ Animated book resources: 


Have your child send an email, write a story, animate a story, write letters to people in nursing homes or kids in hospitals, using whatever means possible. Check out the Daily Writing Prompts, Inspired by The New York Times.

Practice typing skills online

Foreign Language 

English Language Learners


Bring science into the mix more naturally. Plant seeds, take nature walks, cook, find a topic of interest etc. Or, as always, go online:

Social Studies / History

You can watch and debrief the news with your child. There are also so many “virtual world” options opening up online, many of them for free.

Physical Education

Provide daily (or even hourly) opportunities for your child to move and be active. Use a web based fitness app, a YouTube exercise video, or have your child walk the dog or do jumping jacks (or vacuum the house?)


Online free art lessons:

Museums / Art → Look at, respond to, and discuss visual art together! 

Free performances to watch online

Social and emotional learning